Tuesday, December 23, 2014

His's Faithfulness

A little testimony for this year of what God had bought me through :) 

Could not believe that God had led me through my 3 years of Nursing which is coming to an end. Beyond the studies of medical and nursing knowledges, projects, assignments, datelines etc... (Which was real insane), the people that I've met in hospitals and the list goes on... What was real to me was the financial pressure I needed to face. I thank God that I was able to pay for my Tertiary fees with what I have (one more semester to go) without having to sign bonds with any hosptial or taking up extra work. Felt like i had thrown my incomes/savings into a fire- burn with the many activities! haha praying for God to provide as i step into next year. 

I thank God for the internship that I had went through thus far and even now. The journey wasnt easy as handling different patients were difficult. Beyond the physical care (which is heavily involved in nursing), the emotional and spiritual care when things get hectic and chaotic. Having to work on Sat and Sundays'- I struggled and scrambled a lot! But i do believe i am living by His grace and strength whenever i am working till Jan/Feb. Pray with me ya 

The major event that took place in my life in august- the day after I ended my last paper of 3 years in nursing, the thought of celebrating my Dad's birthday after many years and yet the moment when my dad was taken away for one week in front of my eyes- recollecting back that that was my ever last conversation with him. After a week of not seeing him, I have to be to one calling the ambulance and admitted him to NUH after seeing him for less than a day after he was released.   
I didn't said goodbye to him after visiting him- unconscious till that day arrived. 
Nursing terms; diagnosis; intubation, ICP; machines; medications etc became real to me- So Real.
It was like TV drama shows- waiting outside the operation treatre, talking to the doctor, talking to patient by the bedside, sobbing. SO REAL. Besides singing praises and speaking and praying for him- a process of 3-4 days.
The moment we reached home, an hour later on the last day- hospital called. We ran back., The machine failed and lapsed....
Our hearts dropped. Sat night, Sunday morning! bought great trauma when i returned to work as i needed to face my patients. 

I would say- I truly thank God for this process. Its painful but I know God is faithful. I m thankful that our faith grew stronger, we grew closer. Although he can't see my graduation, he can't celebrate my 21st birthday, he can't accompany me down the aisle but one thing I know- he's close dear to my heart despite the times when he made mistakes and hurt the family! 
I still want to thank God because somehow our family, extended family grew closer. Standing in front of my mum's cell group, and her leader to say testimony about what my dad has done in the family was amazing- never thought I would do that or rather able to do that!

I thank God that the mistakes I've made, the decisions i've made this year- in every season was covered by His grace. I thank God for his forgiveness, i thank God for hearing my childlike and childish prayers, i thank God for answering my prayers. I thank God for standing by me every season. I thank God for my leaders that covered me. Thank you to everyone who directly or indirectly cross my path- you guys have been amazing. Interaction with some of u guys hasnt been directly but i knew that God placed you guys in my life for a reason.

I thank God for boldness and courage to make a decision in an important area of my life- to set me apart, to love Him first with all my heart and believe in His timing.

I also had seen how my ministries had grown slowly and steadily. Seeing the different ones that i m covering grow and receiving from God especially in the camp- this just melt my heart! Never thought i would be able to be part of their lives, helping to live out their destiny! 

Nevertheless, whether this year has been a great year a not, i am excited for next year!! Ending my internship in Feb, taking a step of faith to mission trip in march, celebrating my 21st bday in March :), graduating in May, entering into a new season of adulthood after Graudation! Whoa! I am steamed-up, and eager to step in to to great unknown where feets may fail :) 

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