Sunday, May 10, 2015

You and you

Looking through all the photos one dewy-eyed morning! Whoa! One of those rare milestone events- my secondary and my band days! Miss them so much! Season changed, people either remain in your life or they leave. But the most beautiful thing is that He never changes and memories remain in one's heart! So, cherish every moment with those you love at every stage of your journey. :')

I want to say thank you to those had stayed with me through various seasons of my life. Whoever you are, whether your presence is make known to me, or one that quietly hang in there with me. Do you know that you bought forth so much encouragement to me. 
Gazing through those pictures, honestly I fear!~ I fear that someone close may leave and it requires another cycle of healing to take place. The sentimental feelings ring in within, yet at the same time I knew that it was Him that was hand-working the healing work..
Thank you to those who had left me- whether physically or for eternity. you are deeply missed. you taught me what is stronger; what is gratitude; what is cherishing every moment and what it means to love the people around me. You may or may not leave a deep impression in my life, but you added colors to my promising rainbow.

Thank you to those who had remained my life so far. I pray that you would continue to be. you taught me the beauty of faithfulness, the art of persistency & I guess without you being around me, I wouldn't stay as zealous for the Lord. I am pretty much eager to do life and God's will together with you, because I know that there is an unbreakable bond within us- Christ's Love!

I want to apologize to those probably I had hurt before. I understand the pain it takes to be hurt by someone or friends around me, or maybe not exactly! Ohwell, our life's experiences are different yet beautiful! I pray that you would move on from the hurts badly damaged by me. Words can't describe my words or actions but  I am truly sorry and sorrowful! :'(

"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love."

thank You, for teaching me what it means to love and to be embraced by You. In any kind of relationships, thank You for guiding me in putting my heart wholly devoted to love- Even if it takes to hurt, it was You who gave me a bolder heart to flame like Yours.  thank You for setting my heart apart, keeping it pure. 

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