Saturday, October 25, 2014

36/103 Hope in Spring

Apart of me wonders if one's heart had given up? Deep within whispered 'one more try, don't give up hope.'
Hope in this season of my life brings much comfort yet at the same time unending troubles of thoughts. At times, what I think it is may not be what it seems to be like how reality shows.
Hope adds spice to my life in this moment. Like a chef that needed a recipe. Here's Ave's HOPE recipe:
1/2 cup of happiness; 2 pinch of bitterness; 1 tsp sorrowful, 3/4 zent of pondering; 3/4 spoon of patience and await and 1 full cup of memories.
Hope is await in faith, it is more than optimism. It is the deep certainity that God is in control and He is good.
Hope brings me to my knees, keeping a prayerful hearts till answers been found. Press in there Aveline! ♡

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